Программа для лазерных граверов на grbl

Утилита Laser GRBL используется для станков ЧПУ и позволяет гравировать картинки, изображения и различные рисунки.

Особенности программы

Утилита разработана для применения с гравером и лазером-резчиком. Программа обладает понятным интерфейсом на русском языке. При помощи утилиты можно преобразовать растр в G-код. Для использования всех функций гравер должен поддерживать модуляцию мощности с использованием команды S. В процессе использования достигается высокая точность гравировки. Пользователи в любой момент может посмотреть прогресс в главном меню настроек, а также провести пробное тестирование. Благодаря этому вы сможете убедиться, что процесс гравировки картинки пройдет успешно и без видимых дефектов. Программа полностью совместима со всеми версиями Windows.

Основные функции и возможности

Основная задача программы заключается в том, чтобы гравировать различные изображения и картинки. Настройку лазера можно осуществить в основном меню программы и задать координаты. При помощи утилиты можно гравировать векторные логотипы и растровые картинки. Это становится возможным за счет инструмента внутреннего преобразования. Для начала работы в программе скачайте и уставите файл, а затем подключите устройство, запустите ярлык с рабочего стола. Конфликтов оборудования в процессе использования не выявлено.

Free Laser Engraving


LaserGRBL is one of the best Windows GCode streamer for DIY Laser Engraver. LaserGRBL is able to load and stream GCode path to arduino, as well engrave images, pictures and logo with internal conversion tool.

Unlike other GUI, LaserGRBL it is specifically developed for use with hobbist laser cutter and engraver. In order to use all the features your engraver must supports power modulation through S command.

With image engraving (raster to gcode convertion) LaserGRBL could be a good free and easy alternative to picengrave, benbox, T2laser for who don’t need more then a simple and effective tool.

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Usually this low power machine are build by DIY (do it yourself) enthusiast, but some cheap kits (100-200$) can be bought in ebay and assembled by everyone.

Professional machine are bundled with their own software. A DIY machine usually does not have software, or has a very simple one. LaserGRBL is intended to give some professional functions to amateur user.

Wanna build your own laser engraver? Follow our guides!


Basically there are 4 elements talking between them

  • Personal computer with LaserGRBL or any other G-Code streamer
  • Arduino UNO board with GRBL firmware
  • Elettronics (power supply, laser diode, stepper motor & motor driver)
  • Hardware (rails, linear bearing)
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Personal computer talk to Arduino board via USB in a language called G-Code

G-Code is the common name for the most widely used numerical control (NC) programming language. Basic command set include G0 (rapid positioning) G1 (linear movement) G2 and G3 (clockwise and counter-clockwise arcs).

Arduino UNO board with Grbl firmware translate this commands to stepper motor pulses, direction control, laser power modulation.

Motor driver transform low level TTL signal from Arduino, to high-power signals for stepper motor.

Wanna build your own laser engraver? Follow our guides!

Free Laser Engraving


LaserGRBL is one of the best Windows GCode streamer for DIY Laser Engraver. LaserGRBL is able to load and stream GCode path to arduino, as well engrave images, pictures and logo with internal conversion tool.

Unlike other GUI, LaserGRBL it is specifically developed for use with hobbist laser cutter and engraver. In order to use all the features your engraver must supports power modulation through S command.

With image engraving (raster to gcode convertion) LaserGRBL could be a good free and easy alternative to picengrave, benbox, T2laser for who don’t need more then a simple and effective tool.

Usually this low power machine are build by DIY (do it yourself) enthusiast, but some cheap kits (100-200$) can be bought in ebay and assembled by everyone.

Professional machine are bundled with their own software. A DIY machine usually does not have software, or has a very simple one. LaserGRBL is intended to give some professional functions to amateur user.

Wanna build your own laser engraver? Follow our guides!


Basically there are 4 elements talking between them

  • Personal computer with LaserGRBL or any other G-Code streamer
  • Arduino UNO board with GRBL firmware
  • Elettronics (power supply, laser diode, stepper motor & motor driver)
  • Hardware (rails, linear bearing)

Personal computer talk to Arduino board via USB in a language called G-Code

G-Code is the common name for the most widely used numerical control (NC) programming language. Basic command set include G0 (rapid positioning) G1 (linear movement) G2 and G3 (clockwise and counter-clockwise arcs).

Arduino UNO board with Grbl firmware translate this commands to stepper motor pulses, direction control, laser power modulation.

Motor driver transform low level TTL signal from Arduino, to high-power signals for stepper motor.

Wanna build your own laser engraver? Follow our guides!

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