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iPhone iCloud Check (Activation Lock)

iPhone iCloud Check — Activation Lock checker

Service allows you to Check Activation Lock Status. If you don’t know if your FMI (Find My iPhone) is ON or OFF just check it by IMEI. Type your device IMEI number and check if it’s iCloud is ON or OFF.

Before you purchase an iPhone, iPad from somebody else, make sure that Find My iPhone Activation lock is turned off and the device is ready for you to use.

Supported are all Apple devices (iPhone, iPad) with IMEI number.

Example of iPhone iCloud Check
IMEI: 3591600702xxxx
Activation Lock (iCloud): ON
iCloud status: Clean
Blacklist status: Clean
Date of checking: 2017-09-29 07:47:14

Try also Real Time Activation Lock Status Checker — iCloud

This service support also Serial Number and results are not stored in cache. It’s mean that each checking of device give you "fresh" results !

All information comes from a free public manufacturer database. All results are presented for educational purposes only.

Покупая у частных лиц или сомнительных фирм iPhone, iPad или iPod Touch, следует обязательно проверить, что сервис «Найти iPhone» на этом устройстве отключен.

Зачем проверять состояние опции «Найти iPhone»?

Стоимость смартфонов и планшетов Apple существенно превышает средние цены на рынке мобильных устройств, поэтому потерять такой гаджет не только обидно, но и очень затратно. Разработчики Apple расширили функционал сервиса «Найти iPhone», добавив возможность его блокировки Activation Lock. Теперь пользователь не только определяет местоположение потерянного мобильного устройства, но и выполняет его удаленную блокировку. Функция доступна для версий операционной системы старше iOS 7.

Несмотря на очевидные плюсы, появились мошенники, продающие бывшие в употреблении гаджеты по низким ценам, после чего злонамеренно блокируют эти смартфоны. За разблокировку, естественно, вас попросят заплатить дополнительную сумму. Также ушлые хакеры за умеренную стоимость гарантируют снятие блокировки с любого мобильного устройства.

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Алгоритм проверки привязки iPhone или iPad к облаку iCloud

По непонятным причинам, русская версия официального сайта Apple проверку привязки телефона к iCloud не поддерживает. Но существуют варианты выполнения такой проверки через европейскую техническую поддержку Apple https://getsupport.apple.com/.

  • Внизу экрана жмем на страну, выбираем Европу и, например, Францию (France).
  • Браузер может автоматически перевести страницу на русский язык. Можно это сделать принудительно, нажав внизу экрана на иконку доступных языков.
  • Из перечня возможных устройств выбираем необходимый вам вариант.

  • Из выпадающего перечня неполадок выбираем «Ремонт и механические повреждения».

Фото: «Ремонт и механические повреждения»

  • Далее — «неработающие кнопки».

  • Отмечаем подраздел «Сделать ремонт», а потом Home button.

  • После ввода серийного номера iPhone жмем на стрелочку.
  • При выключенной функции «Найти iPhone» сайт запросит ввод учетной записи (Apple ID и пароль). Поздравляем! Гаджет «чист», его можно приобретать.

Если система авторизацию не запрашивает, и на экране появилось подобное сообщение: «Sorry, … retry this serial number» («Просим прощения, ваше устройство может быть отремонтировано только после выключения «Найти iPhone». Пожалуйста, выключите «Найти iPhone» и заполните форму повторно») – это означает, что и блокировка и сервис «Найти iPhone» активны.

Обязательно попросите продавца такого устройства отключить функцию «Найти iPhone». Если он откажется, то приобретать такой смартфон не следует (даже у родственников, друзей и знакомых).

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ICCID decoder

ICCID decoder has been added.

At this point, you can determine country and carrier for each number.

Decoding can be done through the form on the main page.

Samsung Country of manufacture

A small, but very useful update for Samsumg serial numbers decoder.

In addition to date of manufacture, for most models of the mobile phones, by the serial number you can find the country of manufacture and the name of factory.

LG IMEI info

LG IMEI and serial number support added.

By checking the LG serial number you can define country and date of manufacture.

By IMEI number, except country and date of manufacture, also defines the phone model, color, and country or organization is that is selling it.

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Remember that each check of the IMEI or serial number, the device is also checked in the international database of lost or stolen devices — LoSToleN. If it will found in the list of stolen, you will see an "Attention" field like this:

HTC serial number info

We start to support HTC serial numbers.

Now you can decode it to know phone model, country and date of manufacture.

SNDeepInfo Certificates

SNDeepInfo introduces a system of certification the checking results for IMEI and serial number for all the iPhone models.
SNDeepInfo Certificate — is a graphically displayed result of checking IMEI or serial number.

Certificate is a confirmation of the valid checking result by the SNDeepInfo service and will be useful for those who want to share those in the blog, forum or on the Internet. Such certificate is given one per phone and has a unique URL address, which excludes possibility of fraud.

SNDeepInfo — service for checking a serial numbers of phones, smartphones, cameras, household appliances and IMEI phones of all brands

What is the serial number?

The manufacturer assigns to each device a unique serial number, in which encoded all information about the product: model, production country , date of manufacture. The serial number is unique for each device from one manufacturer.

What is IMEI?

Mobile phones, except the serial number have also IMEI number. IMEI — International Mobile Equipment Identity. IMEI — a common standard for all mobile devices, which is assigned to the phone at the time of manufacture it in the factory. It’s the unique number, which is broadcasting to the carrier to authorize phone in the network. Structure of the IMEI is the same for all phones regardless of manufacturer. IMEI number is also used to track and block lost or stolen phones by the carrier, which further prevents to use of such devices. However, blocking IMEI in one carrier network have no effect in others networks.

How can I find the serial number?

As a rule, the serial number printed on the package and duplicated on the device, in most cases, the serial number is available through the software shell.

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How to find out an IMEI number?

To check phone IMEI number, type *#06#, press call button and it will be displayed on the screen. IMEI number is looks like a 15-digit numeric code. IMEI is duplicated under the battery of your phone, on the package and receipts. Apple users can find iPhone IMEI number in the Settings->General->About.

What is it?

SNDeepInfo — is the easiest way to get all the information about the device before you buy it. Just enter the serial number or phone IMEI in the main field and get all information about the phone. Apple devices have more detailed information: the physical and technical characteristics (color devices, memory, date of manufacture, the firmware version, manufacture date of the device, jailbreak and unlock tools).

For what it is?

SNDeepInfo will protect you from buying fake devices. If, as the checking result you have an error, be careful, it may be a fake device.

SNDeepInfo protect you from buying stolen devices. Each user who is victim of theft or lost device is able to register it in the database of lost or stolen devices. So SNDeepInfo — is not only a service for checking IMEI and serial numbers, but it also a database of stolen phones and other devices.

SNDeepInfo helps to find lost and stolen. Add IMEI or serial number of the lost device to the database and increase the chances for finding it. If during the checking the serial number or IMEI, shows that, the device is marked as lost or stolen, you can return its to legal owner and get a reward if he was appointed.

SNDeepInfo — it’s not just IMEI database of stolen phones and serial numbers checker, it’s the quality control, system of validating sellers and search service of lost or stolen phones and other devices.

Currently, the service supports checking IMEI codes of all phones, including the new Apple iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus and iPhpne X, and also Samsung Galaxy S8, and Galaxy Note 8! We are planning to expand the service to check a serial numbers of devices of any electronic equipment and devices.

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